Monday, April 30, 2012

Medical Journal Posts About Filshie Clips and Pain

It appears that many of my "clipped" girlfriends are experiencing pain and looking for something to print out to take to their docs. I know it's hard for docs to believe unless they see it in print, so here are a few for you to look over.

[Intraperitoneal migration of Filshie tubal sterilization clips: an uncommon cause of chronic abdominal pain].
[Article in French]
Konaté A, Rauzy V, Chalon S, Ceballos P, Rivière S, Ciurana AJ, Le Quellec A.


Service de Médecine Interne A, Hôpital Saint-Eloi, 80, avenue Augustin Fliche, 34295 Montpellier Cedex 5, France.


Tubal clips for female sterilization account for about 10 to 40% of the contraceptive methods used throughout the world. Clip migration is an unusual complication which may lead to chronic unexplained abdominal pain. We report here the case of a 44-year-old woman who suffered from chronic abdominal pain. The diagnosis of intraperitoneal migration of the Filshie clip fixed five years earlier was made. Cure was achieved with ablation of the clip. Late complications of Filshie clips are uncommon and non-specific. They include tubal necrosis and section, sterilization failure (0.7%), and migration (0.6%). Rare migrations into the bladder, the peritoneum, the appendix, or the vagina have been reported. When investigating chronic abdominal pain in a female patient, the clinician should inquire about sterilization history and carefully examine plain x-rays of the abdomen in women with tubal clips.
PMID: 12193864 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Uncommon Complications:


EDITORIAL COMMENT": We accepted this case for publication since it seems to demonstrate conclusively that a clip on the Fallopian tube can produce persistent pain without associated pathology such as infection, adhesions or damage to other organs. Why then is this complication so rare? Why was the postoperative pain unilateral in this woman? Can readers provide the answer to this riddle? One of the reviewers made the comment that this complication is not rare only under-reported and that he has heard a number of anecdotal reports of cases where Filshie clips have been removed and the patient's pain has resolved. This comment from the reviewer is of course anecdotal.

Here's the deal...You go to google scholar and you look up filshie clips, pain with filshie clips, complications with filshie clips, etc. Some you will be allowed to view the whole article, some just the summary. If it is really an article that interests you, it may be worth it to pay for it, somewhere between $4 and $20 bucks. Most of the time the summary, or abstract will tell you all you need to know. 
I hope this helps girls. Be strong. Be your own best advocate. If you want the clips out, demand them out. If you want to be whole and functioning, then find a doctor for reversal. Don't let others tell you that you are crazy, or that it is all in your head. Do what's best for you!